
The girlband send us pictures. Now it is time to have fun with friends in the town. There will be more information and pictures in the next days? We will see… Have fun.


He is on the road to the Airport. In a top secret recording studio he work on a new song. Tryin to post every Friday pictures from Hotnews.It´s not Justin, for sure. More about the new Singel soon and only… Continue Reading…

Music BuisinessNews

As we wrap up our exploration of the vibrant photoshoot featuring the sensational singer Partygril in the enchanting streets of Paris, it’s clear that her upcoming single “DANCE,” set to hit stores on December 21, is not just a song… Continue Reading…

Music Buisiness

This is perfect, this is why I buy and download two songs. I love the sound and they rythm. The positive energy. One for me and one for friends . Maybe I buy more for other friends. I do everything… Continue Reading…